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An International Symposium on the Art and Visual Culture of War, Conflict and Political Violence
Friday 4 June 2021, Tim Winton Lecture Theatre (Building 213), Curtin University, Perth, Australia


 Dr Rebecca A Adelman

'Unknowing Torture'
Professor and Chair, Department of Media and Communication Studies
University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)

Author of Figuring Violence: Affective Investments in Perpetual War2019

War, Art and Visual Culture: Perth


Do humanities disciplines today need new ways of thinking about war?

Chair: Prof Kit Messham-Muir

Dr Stuart Bender

Assoc Prof Susanna Castleden

Dr Sky Croeser

Dr Vannessa Hearman

Dr Ben Rich

War, Art and Visual Culture: Perth was an evening symposium addressing today’s images of war, terror and political violence. These images are unlike those of the past – and the stakes are particularly high. News images of attacks on major cities are immediate and their presentation emotive, videos of military strikes and terror incidents spark across the internet in seconds. Contemporary artists and photojournalists reflect on these images, sometimes offering alternative perspectives on war and violence. 


War, Art and Visual Culture: Perth included a panel discussion of academics from Curtin University's School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry, followed by international Keynote speaker Dr Rebecca A Adelman (UMBC), titled 'Unknowing Torture'.


This is the fourth in the series of War, Art and Visual Culture international symposia, with the previous three held in Sydney, London and Los Angeles in 2019.  

War, Art and Visual Culture: Perth was hosted and supported by Curtin University's School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry. 


4.45pm – 5.00pm 


5.00pm – 5.10pm  

Prof Kit Messham-Muir, Curtin University, Introduction


5:10pm – 6:30pm

Panel Session: Do humanities disciplines today need new ways of thinking about war?

A panel of researchers from Curtin University's School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry

Chair: Prof Kit Messham-Muir

Dr Stuart Bender

Assoc Prof Susanna Castleden

Dr Sky Croeser

Dr Vannessa Hearman

Dr Ben Rich

6:30pm – 7:00pm


7:00pm – 8.00pm 

Keynote: 'Unknowing Torture', Dr Rebecca A. Adelman, University of Maryland Baltimore County


Event closes

About Art in Conflict

The Art in Conflict project is led by Curtin University in Perth, Australia, in collaboration with University of Melbourne, UNSW Art & Design and University of Manchester, in partnership with the Australian War Memorial and the National Trust (NSW). This project is funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council. Art in Conflict (LP170100039) receives a Linkage Project grant of $293,380.  


Please direct any questions about Art in Conflict to Prof Kit Messham-Muir at  

Prof Kit Messham-Muir
Lead Investigator, Art in Conflict project
School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry
GPO Box U1987
Perth Western Australia 6845


This project was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council. Art in Conflict (LP170100039) receives a Linkage Project grant of $293,380.

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